Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Off to North Carolina....without Kayla : (

Well, we'll be leaving Friday afternoon to fly to North Carolina. As I said before, we can't take Kayla and don't want to board her, so she'll be staying with her original parents: Brian and Lindsey. This is only the second time we've been away from her since we got her; we left her with Brian and Lindsey for a weekend last November to celebrate Nicole's 21st birthday in Atlantic City. We'll miss her, and I'm sure she'll miss us, but at least she'll have Brian and Lindsey and her family of Chihuahuas to play with. I'm sure she'll have a blast; she might have more fun than we do! We'll be back late on Sunday, and will head straight to PA to pick her up. Three states in one day should be fun...can't wait for school on Monday!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Nothing new to report....

Well, it's been a pretty uneventful week...we haven't been back to PA to see the pups, and evidently nothing too interesting has been going on. The pups are growing up though, and if we don't see them this weekend we'll definitely be there the week after that. Nicole's grandmother is getting married in North Carolina, and we don't want to board Kayla (she's just a baby). Brian and Lindsey told us they'd be happy to watch her, so she'll have plenty of time to play with her new brothers and sisters. As far as my project is coming along, I just bought an audio recorder so Brian or Lindsey better get ready for an interview! That's about it for this week, and as far as pictures are concerned, I think I'll just be posting them on my website, so you'll have to wait to see the pups!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

One month old and active!

We visited with the pups again; this time Nicole's parents came with us to check out the blue puppy, which they've already named 'Charlie.' Lindsey had told us that 'Blue' had lost his color; he's more of a sandy brown now. But he's still cute, and her parents decided they'd buy him after seeing him in person. The rest of the puppies are adorable; there's a black and tan female that could be Kayla's twin sister! If we could afford another one, I'd take her in a heartbeat! Even Kayla loved her; she gently played with all the pups, but seemed to like her the best. It amazes me how well she gets along with these little puppies. My friend Vicky had a litter of bulldogs this past summer, and Kayla wanted nothing to do with them. She seems right at home with this litter, as if she can sense that they're just like her. I hope she gets along with Charlie!