Friday, November 16, 2007

Charlie's a Star!

Well...not exactly. But he did star in my video for my broadcasting class. We were assigned to do a feature story, and what's better than a brand new puppy coming home? I really enjoyed filming the story, and it gave me a chance to spend some quality time with the new arrival. Other than that, not much else has changed. I'm planning on interviewing Nicole and her mother tomorrow (Saturday), and then heading to PA Sunday afternoon to get my interview with Brian and Lindsey. Brian's out-of-town this weekend, but hopefully he'll be back by the time we get there, otherwise, I'll only be able to interview Lindsey. I guess we'll see what happens....

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Charlie joins the family!

After weeks of waiting, Charlie is a part of the family! Kayla absolutely loves him; they play all the time! I can't wait to show some pictures of them on my website; if I'm technologically capable I might even include some video of the two of them wrestling (for extra credit!). Other than that new piece of information, not much else has happened. We met halfway with Brian and Lindsey, as they were shopping at Harford Mall, so I never was able to get my interview with them. I didn't want to ask them to talk to me in the middle of a parking lot! They're on vacation right now, but I hope to meet with them soon and ask them a few questions about breeding their dogs. That's it for now; stay tuned...the websites are due soon!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

We're back! And a new puppy on Sunday!

Well, we picked up Kayla late Sunday night. Lindsey said she was a good girl, and told us that in the morning she'd sit and whine by the playpen until the puppies were let out. She loves them! There were only the 3 males left whe we got to PA; the females were taken the day before. I took a few more pictures, and we took Kayla home. We'll be back Sunday afternoon to pick up "Blue", or as Nicole's mom has named him, "Charlie." He'll be 8-weeks-old and ready for his new home. Nicole's mom has already bought a lot of items for her new baby boy, and can't wait until Sunday when he comes home with us. I'm going to bring my audio recorder, as this may be the last time we'll be in PA for awhile. Like I said before, you'll just have to wait to see all the cute pics until I finish up my website!