Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I linked both of my podcasts to my home page yesterday, but it seems I needed to link them to my blog as well, so here they are.

I met with Dinner for Ten a few weeks ago, and was able to get a good story from a few of their members. The group members were lively, and were happy to help me with my project. I'll be sending them a link to my web site once I put everything together.
Listen to their story.

Last Sunday, I was able to talk with a married couple, John and Emmylu, from Parents Without Partners. I first met them at the weekly dance, and was able to catch-up with them the following weekend for a brief interview. I'll also be sending them a link to my completed project. Listen to their story.

1 comment:

TL said...

Both these text intros need to be stronger -- what is in the podcasts that make them interesting enough for someone to want to listen? This is too vague.